Season 3 EP#77 Debunking Manifestation: From Mental Health to Mental Fitness with Simplifying Sam
Apr 13, 2023*If you are in the season of receiving support to water the seeds you’ve been planting, then I invite you to apply to Bud to Blossom! Bud to Blossom is my 5 month mentorship program for radical healers, wellness coaches and consultants that are ready to get clear on their story medicine and grow their sacred offerings through speaking, workshops, retreats, and more. Book your free clarity call here.*
In this episode of Your Story Medicine, I welcome Samantha Chung, affectionately known as “Simplifying Sam”. She is a mindset and manifestation expert on a mission to help more people wake up and live fully as their authentic self. It is her belief that we experience resistance, pain and suffering when we ignore who we truly are. Her coaching style seeks to uncover and discover who you were before your limiting beliefs, conditions, and fears so that you can step into the most powerful version of yourself and attract anything.
Main Topics Discussed:
- Aligning your work and your passion
- Why scarcity is a misunderstanding of where money and wealth come from
- Tapping into vulnerability as a superpower
- Reframing mental health as mental fitness
- Seeing alignment as a lifelong journey
What are you celebrating about yourself today?
Samantha: Being so deeply connected with my inner child. I have reconnected with dance and roller skating, which were such incredible joys in my life as a kid. I went to a skating rink and took a hip-hop dance class in the past month, which felt amazing!
How would you describe your medicine?
Samantha: I help people grow and expand their awareness. I don’t change lives. I serve as a mirror that reflects how their thoughts lead to the feelings and unconscious behaviors that create their reality. Most people who come to me look for love and joy, but are stuck in their fear. They make decisions based on beliefs passed down from generation to generation. But they feel misaligned, which brought them to me. I always believed that, no matter how materially or reputationally successful you are, you ain’t shit if you’re not connected with yourself.
How has your ancestral lineage influenced how you show up today?
Samantha: I’m the first American-born person in my family. My ancestry hails from South Korea. I wasn’t really interested in learning about my culture as I grew up, but there was always this curiosity about where my mother and grandmother came from. In fact, my grandmother was very entrepreneurial, and when she immigrated to the States as a teenager, she owned her own grocery store and worked day-in, day-out. My mom was a homemaker, and I just assumed that that’s what I would be when I grew up, even though I was resistant to the idea. I had this belief encoded in childhood that a man would provide for me. I had to undo that belief. What’s more, I learned that both my mother and grandmother were very spiritual people like myself. My father came from a scholarly class, and a lot of people would come to him for advice. I find that very fitting for myself. It’s cool that I’m a modern-day version of my ancestors’ combined work.
How can we begin to normalize feelings of shame and insecurity without pathologizing ourselves? How can we cope with our daily stressors without falling victim to our circumstances?
Samantha: Mental fitness largely comes down to the language that we use. It takes work and desire to develop and maintain our mental health. Keeping in mind that “healing happens in dialogue and suffering happens in monologue”, it’s always best to surround ourselves with a supportive community who can help keep our negative self-talk at bay. Until we can engage in healthy conversation, we’ll be stuck in an echo chamber of our self-limiting beliefs.
How do you define “manifestation” and what’s your advice to those struggling with manifesting their desires?
Samantha: Manifestation is conscious creation. It’s about taking a process that’s already happening subconsciously and getting into the driver’s seat, when we’ve been in the passenger’s seat almost all our lives. And it’s not our fault if we’ve never been able to manifest because our societally-conditioned beliefs largely influence the things we attract. The only fault that falls upon the individual is when you become aware, but choose to ignore. And once you wake up, you can always go back to sleep. We’re always peeling back the layers to discover who we truly are under all the conditioning and limiting beliefs. And this is who we are: pure potential. There is nothing but infinite possibility ahead of you, and you can’t see that now, it’s not your fault because you’ve been conditioned not to see it. This is where finding the right community comes in. We all need expanders. If you want to grow, you need the right container for that growth to happen.
What are you doing to stay grounded and what have you learned to release?
Samantha: Having limiting beliefs that I thought I’d conquer crop up every now and again keeps me grounded and in practice.
If you were a future ancestor, what would you tell yourself?
Samantha: You are my wildest dream come true.
Conclusion: Old wounds and triggers don't exist to be suppressed or banished, but to be faced and serve as a roadmap to your authentic self. Life is a series of ups and downs, in which every day is another opportunity to find alignment between your current life and what you truly desire.
Action Integration: If mastery over a part of your life is a journey rather than a destination, make it a point to keep practicing your ability to attract positivity and peel the onion behind the limiting beliefs you’ve been conditioned to live out since your upbringing.
Learn more about Samantha Chung
Visit her website: www.simplifyingsam.com
Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/simplifying.sam
Doors are open to Bud to Blossom, my 5 month mentorship program for radical healers, coaches, and consultants that are ready to share their story medicine, grow their legacy through the art of speaking, and do the work to makes their ancestors proud.
Apply here: https://www.yourstorymedicine.com/budtoblossom
Wanting to connect with your ancestors? Download my free meditation: https://bit.ly/ancestorinthemaking